- Memory
"In Museums?," Memory?, Why? Poet Rocío Silva noted the importance of a "museum of memory" and what motivates you in the Austrian case:
the question of whether Austria had been invaded or adhered to rejoice not ever been discussed publicly at these levels. In those days a play had started the controversy: Heldenplatz, Thomas Bernhard. The work not only recognized the Austrian dabbling with Hitler, but warned to his fellow accusing them of agreeing with the "final solution" . A socialist, patriotic and other citizens sensitive to the Holocaust, did not do anything funny.is interesting to take this example a literal value. In Peru is responsible for what happened only the direct perpetrators and their leaders, but what about the citizens that agreed? Sad to think that anyone in their right mind could agree with atrocities like the bombing of Tarata or killing Putis. Apparently, it was, and should be of a deep reflection. It is easy to download responsibilities exclusively on direct contenders.
- Channel 2 in April 1990 Announcement of a special
on Maria Elena Moyano
The dying Fujimori used his picture.
A - Press Here
Museum which referred in this post . The final version comes with signature here via this post . I do not know if this is the statement of "Peruvian intellectuals, among them Mario Vargas Llosa, Fernando de Szyszlo and Alonso Cueto" which referred to the Commerce and various agencies There was international or other communications. In a statement linked, final version, which is highlighted because it comes first Vargas Llosa, Fernando de Szyszlo not listed, and specifically highlights Alonso Cueto. Clearly stand out are those who come first, before the alphabetical list: Mario Vargas Llosa
Surely there is another statement that is circulating out there to which he referred El Comercio. A2
Gustavo Gutiérrez Julio Cotler
Pilar Salomón Lerner Febres Coll
- justifies rejection
What has Peru 21:
García justified the rejection of the German donation to the Museum of Memory .is its position as the president is the official position of the Peruvian government. However, this explanation from Peruvian citizens must have come before and not wait for the issue trascenciendo by foreign sources. He has not done well. Moreover, this explanation undermines the premier Yehude Simon who recently denied that Peru had rejected the donation:
"Peru has rejected the money, if the German Government considers it, we can receive. We appreciate (the donation), but We believe that this money should go to the victims of violence, that's the answer there, "he said. Here.
- A2 sends Museíto
There was a time when it was thought that only brought physical capital growth. Underestimated the human capital. Today, by contrast, gives primary importance to it. Something similar happens with disyuntiba in the use of two million dollars that come as a donation. Everything has to go to "development projects", to "repair material" and, if possible, collectively. A reflection on what happened (two million dollars is a tiny part of Peru's social spending and what makes international cooperation) is alleged to be harmful to the country and would be something that would not bring development. Whether an amount small, it is a waste of resources. Big mistake. About 25 thousand deaths would be documented in oblivion, because no donation is being rejected because the Peruvian government will fund alternative, but because they simply will not do anything to remember the violence experienced. Can not claim that it does not lack of resources. The recognition of a comfort and consolation to damage any human being, he returned in part self-esteem, frustration appeased him, he does better cooperate with their neighbors, it returns the faith in their community. The memory you have, individually or personally, but another thing to be recognized by the national body through a museum.
- Mulder and Cabanillas accusing Alberto Fujimori for crimes against humanity.
Here Caretas. A few years ago, of course.
- From "social face" to the "alliance aproizquierdista"
What has the former finance minister APRA, César Vásquez Bazán, here, how Otero García and launch their campaigns alliances (with Rómulo León else, too offered the vice presidency to Humala, here ). Today we launch a campaign for the microscopic left, when they actually have an undeniable alliance with Fujimori's very visible political, media and economic development.
- Luck, Edmundo.
Trade Alan Garcia has proposed that the economist Edmundo Beteta for the office of comptroller of the Republic . Coach in the country tends to duck paying for what they do politicians. Hopefully this goes well stopped, Edmundo.
- Narcocorrido
Perhaps the most famous of the Tigres del Norte:
And more here:
The subject is very explicit Mexico. Are
in Peru narcocumbias "," narcohuaynos "," narcorocks "or" narcosalsas? No, that I know. Why? Exhibition "(or daily) introverted Mexican or Peruvian?
- Normal
Sicario's fashion in Mexico
Mexico City
Every occasion has its clothing.
Actually it is apparently a chain of Argentina, see here, of "assassin" in name only.
ironic is not without coincidence.
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