economic Combita
- Quote is not stealing, but merely as "bouncers" are thieves themselves
In a couple of posts it has become fashionable to say "I'm stealing this paragraph ..."," I'm stealing this entire post. .. ". The reality is that quote is not stealing, if around the meeting is published original content comment, criticism. Something. If the core content of a work belongs to someone else, and it is a full-scale plagiarism. When you say "steal me", no joke: the author acknowledges that it is quoting, but plagiarism. It is stealing other people's work.
- From "rebotósfera" to "plagiósfera"
If it wants to introduce a foreign content, simply post a link, no need to write a post liar, quick and ad hoc. A link leads readers completely alien to the original content, a liar post holds and retains the reader's comments should go to the original post. It also creates links and not the original post but the post brought liar. Is unnecessary intermediation, which leads only to a subset of interested readers outside the original content.
- The tit Mariátegui Mail
director award for Llosa calls, without having seen "The Empty", but condemns Madeinusa, "a slow, pretentious and boring bummer unfairly leaving all Indians as savages, drunks, filthy, superstitious and incestuous. " Award Llosa, but cane Solier,
here. Unusual view, because those who do recognize Llosa because they appreciate his work. Mariátegui arguments rather agree with those put forward by opponents of Llosa. "Aldo Kausachum?
- Pro Beteta
Juan Carlos Valdivia, here and Daniel Salas here
- Two DNIs?
The curious and would have to be clarified is how well someone can have two DNIs, one active and one inactive. It is not something trivial that you can stop responding. Leo
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