Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mickymouse Wall Papper


- Does anyone remember Diana Arévalo?
In October 2007, incisively Agency accused Peru of former President Alejandro Toledo of sexual assault here. The case was bounced on various blogs. What was that?

- "Do not be a coward"
"Do not be cowardly Mr. Toledo, who faces his research" , Peru 21. Well. Mr. Fujimori resigned as president by fax and took refuge in Japan. He did not come voluntarily to Peru to "face their investigations." He was extradited from Chile. Ms. Keiko Fujimori for the presidency of Mr. Fujimori succeeded his mother Mrs. defunct and battered in the post of "first lady", alongside social and governance responsibilities with your father, who could make his first presidential campaign thanks to Susana Higuchi fortune (the second season was with taxpayer resources Peruvians). Hmmm ...

- convoluted justification for rejection of the German donation
Here Mirko Lauer offers a sophisticated justification for the rejection of Garcia to the "museum of memory":
One is the memory itself, in the sense of whether from a civic perspective should keep alive the memory and awareness of past atrocities. This applies to the dead 80-90 years but also, for example, from 1932 onwards.

(...) How much of the performance of Alberto Fujimori has been associated with domestic abuse Peruvians of Japanese origin in the 30's, for which there has been no report or apology? How much of the dislike of Garcia unconscious from nearly a century of anti-Aprista alliances with partners across the ideological spectrum? (...)

What should be removed from the equation are the two million that Berlin require government approval, but well-meaning gesture can hardly be decisive in this matter. Or the TRC to the best of my knowledge a private museum, like so many, or the government makes an "extended" with taxpayer funds, who are citizens of all victims.
A private museum. Please. The TRC was an official institution of the Peruvian state in the attitude of reflection and public recognition of wrongdoing. Today this same state change of attitude, which leaves part of international cooperation in "offside." It was not the Peruvian government, but the current government of Peru.

- An impossible
How can happen to someone that Garcia, who ruled the country at the time of the insurgency-counterinsurgency war, is going to condemn the acts that he directed? Accomarca, Cayara, El Fronton, their death squads.

- Barajas
Better change the subject and talk about the martyrs of Chan Chan, Luis Negreiros Vega, Buffalo Barreto (who already have their sights), and then including spouses Miró Quesada, Sánchez Cerro and Graña (which also been honored publicly). Sectarianism has no limits. Garcia did not give anyone moral reparations, and the money is give it away.

- Salsa Two Salsitas
prison, one Colombian and one neighborhood.

The prisoner, Fruko and hilltops

very judicious with a tough topic.

Patron of Prisoners, The Latin Brothers

How valuable is freedom.


- The rebotósfera
These first two sangrecita .


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