Thursday, March 5, 2009

L'oreal True Match Foundation Wear W6


- Instability
Today forgets that counter-cyclical policy remains cyclical and has the power to create turbulence in addition to the existing turmoil. Programs "stimulus" beyond control systemic risk and it is a traditional Keynesian policy of dubious effectiveness.

- Temporary Inconsistency
The American government with their ad hoc interventions and its politicization is not helping to ease the crisis. Traders expect the government to act and do the adjustments that would be done. The market punishes those who invest poorly, but if the government saves, no rearrangement. Changing the "systemic risk" by the "moral hazard." Also, if someone is saved, all because they want to salvage. Toca announce a policy, stick to it and let the market do its job.

- European Economists almost bloggers
Open Society is a sort of English blog sponsored by the CEPR (Center for Economic Policy Research). There are also French and Italian, see here. They are popular articles and comments on the economy. (Pass NQ).

- Proposals and research
This blog disseminates some policy proposals based on research of colesgas, for example, this proposal fiscal policy, competition bet, and others.

- Blog of fellow Italians in America
Noise from Amerika, with, for example, this article Michele Boldrin whether we are currently in a "liquidity trap." Is a series of seven myths about the current economic crisis. Must be consulted.

- Clowns came
and Reason in Carnecitas reminisces Beteta Edmundo clown. But of course. So? When appointed to this post Valdivieso wrote a curious picture of the new minister obviously playful. Just normal, right?

- The playful economists
I will take the "pop" of Reason on the recreational aspect of Beteta colleague to announce an upcoming post I'm preparing for the Gran Combo Club entitled "The playful economists." Deals many economists that the economy also have other occupations: Andrés Velasco, Chile's economy minister, a novelist, William Baumol of NYU, is a painter and sculptor, Orley Ashenfelter, a prominent labor economist, specializes in wines, Randy Wright, UPenn, and Jordi Galí, Pompeu Fabra, are rock guitarists, Xavier Sala i Martin is leader of the club. Various activities are not at odds with academic rigor and with professionalism.

- Two DNIs
Here Apuntes Peruanos. It is illegal for someone to have two DNIs. See the full post. Clear it would touch, especially if it is the position of comptroller, which requires be very transparent.

- The lobbismo of Peru 21
Jaime del Castillo Fritz Du Bois criticized for writing an editorial, Road to Rio, praising the project undertaken by Taboada Proinversión, led by his wife, Cayetana Aljovín, here . Taboada The project has been criticized for El Comercio, here and here.


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