- Does it make sense?
What a subversive organization distributed leaflets and Mail newspaper as they take the next bounce:
Leaflets appear in HUANTA IN WHICH CALL FOR AMNESTY Abimael Guzman and other leadersIs not this advertising free? Because if that is involved FFOO can ask him without advertising to Sendero Luminoso. Every time you mail flyers are going to spend a headline?
Path again cause anxiety
- The data is
middle of this month, Abimael Guzman asked through his lawyer, Alfredo Crespo, a general political amnesty to include him, the former president Alberto Fujimori, former intelligence chief Vladimiro Montesinos and President Alan Garcia."general political amnesty." This has already asked the fujiaprista Javier Valle Riestra, but Guzmán.

Mail "Free advertising to Sendero Luminoso?
A leafleting can cause as much political impact?
The collapse of the tower in the photo is of Huanuco, while the leafleting is
- Military cited to declare the case Putis
Here, First. The defense ministry declined to release the names of staff who was responsible Putis area in the year of the slaughter.
- E against AAR
Chiquitas In . Highlight this:
propagandistOK, what was the consultant and why it has been more exposed to public scrutiny?
onerous should also remember giving talks all over when he participated in the consultancy favorite privatization, which shamelessly praised the Fujimori regime and that many have heard. At that time certainly did not mind the already revealed overruns Cantuta and Barrios Altos, such that both time now.
Suppose that the military and police had no prosecutions for violations of human rights or that they were already resolved, are opposing it would have a museum about the recent counter-insurgency war?
- About
Here lobbies, AP .
- Punishment in the police summary, without the right to defend
Here AP. It does not follow the established procedure. Is operated with the media scandal, not to the right. Is journalism insemination.
Museum Huamanga memory. Start the barracks
The Cabitos, 1997.
is impossible to hide what happened. With time, everything is known.
plate in the Plaza de Armas de Huamanga
Is it wrong to remember and honor those who suffered most in war?
Ask for justice and lasting peace?
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