- Arriba siempre In
ideology of corruption
Wiener says
APRA leaders in the 80 went from middle class to upper class, that is, to hobnob with the elite business and technocrats, now aspire to be with the large global company, but do so with the manners of Rómulo León and Quimper. Del Castillo Romero representing the group and saving for his future in Miami, Garrido-Lecca with its private beach which is accessed by boat, Chang, a partner who knows how many companies, etc., Are the symbols of an era, more Garcia himself beyond that seems increasingly a repeat of Ferdinand Marcos. And how could it be otherwise, This happens above is reproduced below.
about the arrival alana see more in Orwell 1, Garcia 2 and 3
Godfather, Smith, Marx and the Godfather 2 and
Smith, Marx and the Godfather .
- Rankings with top favorites In an interview, explained Javier Albarracín Perúblogs ranking, which was an algorithm, no manipulation, which included the links based on the criterion of "authority" established by Technorati, see here via Bloody Hell. Okay. Utero de Marita recently changed domain. Uterodemarita.com
Technorati authority is 270 and is ranked in the ranking
12.154, on the other hand has 66 Utero.pe
of authority and is ranked in the ranking 80.119. Is logical to have a fall and it takes time to recover. However, according Perúblogs this blogs remains at No. 2 . The hits monthly fall December 2008 from 290.174 to 207.508 in January 2009 while the authority according to Technorati has fallen. That is, have fallen the two dimensions that make up the "popularity" Perúblogs
, and yet, this blog is still well up. Difficult for an impersonal algorithm do something like this ... seems to have made a special account in this blog. And if you had this procedure, why were not informed users that it had and how it worked? What if another blogger and want to change domain to "transfer" its record of old to the new domain? Apparently this transfer also occurred with other blogs that are part of the circuit close to Perúblogs-Invent. A . Indeed, the links of things generic labels after ownership changes are less and more Perúblogs Technorati. A1 . Uterodemarita.com now redirects to utero.pe, thereby making the latter the flow of visits from the first ("Reaction to this post?). However, with this change back to alter the measurement of the views and position in the ranking does not change one iota. Once again, an impersonal algorithm does nothing about this ... Much discretion. Well, are getting hands everywhere.
- Divertimento mathematical ever got my hands on this email tango, which in part also applies to the economists of Algebra
Tango Music tango Mano a mano
Send Enzo R. Gentile
you become refined to the essence Oligarch Science, Math
cool. Today you look
In the other disciplines as mine
poor lady who works for bread.
Do you remember that once unpretentious
solutions scrounged a miserable equation? Today
you to rigorous review of the postulates
And everywhere Junas
The vilest definition.
But nobody, and is useless
pack you
With rings are ideal
And Boolean Algebras. Everyone knows
resolved until recently matrices, and traced the roots
With the method of Sturm.
But maybe one day
With the turns of the many waterfalls
boring life
you finally get tired and yearn
maybe I
That no abstract algebra
And with two precise figures
You felt so happy.
A composition that shows the playful side of mathematics. More details about this tango,
here. A little style Les Luthiers
the Thales theorem
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