- reviewing after seeing "The Empty Nest" - Mercedes Cabanillas Peruvians in Notes. -
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In Notes from Lenovo.
- Cuarto Poder with unions? Here Carlos Mejia
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tells us about the Fourth Estate television report on the dismissal of workers who had just formed a union in course.
This situation has been going on long ago, trade unionists dismissed for forming unions, see here, GCC, in an illustrative Carlos Mejía
post. So why now? One possibility is that suddenly become concerned about the situation of workers. Another is that workers are not interested, but
these workers, perhaps because workers are more technology, better paid, perhaps (speculate venture to say that is a thought totally out of place) more whites than Indians. Another even more evil-minded is that it is not workers (I repeat, how many redundancy situations even worse that have occurred and there was no story?), But a competition between companies and this is being undermined to a Mexican company for the competition, English. It would not be the first time that companies undermine accusing of bad labor practices. One last detail, possibly by chance, is that a unionized worker surnamed Crousillat, like the (¿ex?) Owners of the channel where the special was spread Coincidence? However, media Amalaya communication give more attention to what happens to workers seeking to organize to defend their rights.
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