- Congresses and conventions
Mail says:
one's enemy is another Peruvian Peruvian , this proverb will fall like a glove with the attitude taken by the Congress to block economic stimulus plan drafted by the government. Perhaps they are unaware of the situation that may come because the international economic crisis.generate reducing income tax for companies growing at 20% annual depreciation of buildings and structures to be applied to taxes on income
In Peru if Congress does not approve of what he wants the executive, congressional enemies, Comeche, unpatriotic, and so many things. In the U.S. if Congress does not approve of what he wants the executive, Congress represent the people, Main Street, their constituents. The distrust of Congress in both cases is similar. Occurs in Peru so that says a group of people with their lobbies, their newspaper, their economic power, is going to mass. Not that this group does not exist in the U.S., and it is clear that there is very strong, but some have balances. The eavesdropping, the faenones, the torture of citizens by a company of "security" would be unacceptable to the public. In the U.S., "electarado" is not the people but the elected leader who believes all things. - "So we Peruvians"
Cecilia Blume in Crisis and The Empty Nest going in the same direction: The seventh package
to 2010. This and other interesting measures, such as
the creation of a fund to promote infrastructure construction, with $ 100 million from the state and about $ 400 million additional money from private, including AFP
have gone virtually unnoticed.
So we Peruvians. We are entertained with the theme of Petro-Tech. That politicians know it well. For months we do not talk about something else other than petroaudios, and I can not really even qualify it as good or bad, because in the entertainment, the Executive may continue to draw rules to combat the crisis without they are bombarded from the trenches of politics, in other words, from the Congress. The latter is giving us more circus. Hopefully the bread comes from the Executive. Despite the above, I think the economy minister, once you finish to all measures, should explain to citizens what they mean, but what you hope to accomplish with them. The commitment to building continues and if it is without the limits imposed by democracy, the better. Is this betting the best interest of the country?
- So we are, "only the Peruvians? In any case that "so are the Peruvian" is completely out of place. Just look the debates in the U.S. Congress and British parliament. Remember that national psychologist who said that it was not a "naked Greek" a "cholo Calato" ... As if to say "hey, is the same. Look carefully."
Mail today and cover of the New York Times when the congresses of their respective countries rejected the anti-crisis plans for their executives. (Image taken from

what does the American press when Congress passes "anti-crisis plans" prebendary, intended to benefit some very special interests? Let's see what he says the tabloid New York Post:
The Senate approved a bailout plan filled with "pork." View

- Comptroller
Congress leaves much to be desired, but has set some goals. The most recent was the insistence on scrutinizing the candidates rather comptroller. This is how it spies on Ingrid Suarez. The ejecutivo, su prensa y la "comisión evaluadora" ya la habían aceptado. La tecnócrata de apabullante curriculum resultó tener laureles de papel crepé.
- Si impide el progreso, ¿por qué no disolverlo? Tal vez se piense que lo mejor sea que el ejecutivo simplemente dicte las medidas económicas e imponga a sus candidatos a funcionario público sin fiscalización alguna. Nótese además que se dice "El Congreso contra el progreso". No se dice "la bancada X contra el progreso". Más que decir "así somos los peruanos" se tendría que decir que así seguimos reforzando complejos y exaltando el autoritarismo como forma de gobierno.
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