Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Salem,oregon Earthquake Zone

- The Trade and CCB today
Reason says, here
: Elijah
Bolivarian Efectivamente. No está demás recordar esto:
12 de marzo de 2008:

Para la Coordinadora Bolivariana el MRTA continúa en actividad

El II Congreso de la CCB, celebrado en Quito la última semana de febrero, reafirmó el liderazgo Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia on this organization
By Paul O 'Brien. Research Unit April 20, 2008
Report ARMS DESTRUCTION The information found on the computer of Raul Reyes, the FARC leader killed reveals clues about the terrorist group attempts spread to other countries
Confirmed: the Bolivarian Continental Coordinator is an organ of the FARC
By Paul O'Brien. Research Unit
words, O'Brien, with Valenzuela and Hildebrandt Chávez, was part of a campaign of leftist and criminalization of Melissa Patiño and Roque Gonzales among others. In real time there were voices of protest against these journalists, like Alberto Adrianzen,
here. Roque Gonzales reported directly to Forza, which earned him a campaign of harassment. Also, finally, data from the computers of Reyes of the FARC, were not having the credibility to be said in real time,
here. is, how did the "investigative journalism"? Perhaps it was a montage made by intelligence sources simply slipped to the press. This time the trade was the level of Rear Window ... Maybe that was the yellow patina that precedes the red for O'Brien journalist?
- Business Track and Forza
are apparently two arms that do illegal work for many clients. The first company chuponea, the second torture and kill. A third arm was to a journalist who wants to be of "firsts" without taking responsibility for how they were collected. - Boards virtual irrigators have your farm and you need water, but it turns out that you could abastacer canal passes through another farm owned by another person. Result: deny you water. He arrived first, he is part of a water committee which already decided who to give water and who does not. Then your farm irrigation is out, with just rain. It works well the internet where flows are not random but follow patterns very marked, and of course, has its "water users together."
- home Blogosphere
How would the Chilean singer Victor Jara, "you who was the left is to take over the dance." We see that The Republic has a section called "blogosphere." Not called "blogs" as in other media. Sounds like you are creating your own blogosphere.

- Protest bombings in Caracas

The Jewish community in Peru protested to the embassy of Venezuela
. Comments on this article do not have waste Peru 21 ...

Blondet on the election

No political party should intervene in the selection and, rather, Congress as an institution would have to examine the candidate , as he did, and to ratify or reject the president's proposal. No hurry. The vicecontralora is in charge now, and the Comptroller continues to do its job.

How is it possible that Congress "as an institution" examine a candidate without "any political party involved in the selection? The law says and how it conducts the election of the comptroller and passes through Congress anyway. Why continue to invent new rules instead of making operate there? The failure of this commission was not Ingrid Suarez, but the conception with which it was created. Ingrid Suarez only demonstrated how fragile and uneven that it was this committee.
A - Casal Catalunya-Peru

here. Unfortunately quite outdated. A2

- Public investment some bloggers some time ago discovered that the cartoonist Alfredo Marcos received money from the Peruvian government via the UNDP. They announced with headlines like ALFREDO, THE EMPLOYEE OF ALAN
Calato Alfredo Marcos. It is clear that funding and position have any political connection. It is more likely to be funded to whom it is sympathy. This is often the case with government funds that have a clear political content. This is what happens in the U.S. with the State Department, which has "friendly institutions" in various countries of our region, here

The American taxpayer money (100 billion dollars) is not about gift. Must have some kind of performance, if not economic, political. Or not?


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