Saturday, April 30, 2011

Does Dvr Count In Ratings

When working with MySQL, there is an option vary the type of table after created (except the MySQL system tables and test calls, which by default are MyISAM and should not be modified). To indicate the type of table to create it we use the following syntax:

If you omit the ENGINE option =... default MyISAM table is created.
 Important: as MySQL, the TYPE option (similar to ENGINE) is supported up to version 4.x of MySQL (not to be used from 5). ENGINE option was added in version 4.0.18 of language (for the 4.x series) and version 4.1.2 (for Version 4.1). 

attempt to create a table type not available in our version, MySQL will choose to create a table type MyISAM.

Then we review the types of tables supported. ISAM

Initially, the database manager MySQL started using this type of tables and now are considered obsolete. Its disadvantages include the inability to move files between machines with different architecture (it has a different format for each architecture / operating system, which is faster, but has the problem of incompatibility) and the table does not handle files greater than 4 GB.
indexes are stored in files. ISM and data files. ISD. MySQL recommends that you update this table to the MyISAM type. This can be done with the following SQL statement:



MyISAM is the default table type in MySQL versions from 3.23 and is based on ISAM tables, of course they offer more options. When using these tables, the data is physically stored in two files: one that has the extension. MYI (deprecated INDEX), where indices are stored, and another. MYD (deprecated DATA), where data is stored.

are responsible for providing independent storage: this means you can copy tables from one machine to another different platform.
If you are working with MySQL locally, normally, you can see on the computer itself that these files are stored in a folder que tiene por nombre una base de datos (estas carpetas están en el directorio data dentro del directorio en donde se instaló MySQL, y allí hay una carpeta por cada base de datos). Esto vale también para otros tipos de tablas.
• Soportan archivos de gran tamaño (63 bits, archivos de tablas superiores a 4 GB) en comparación con los que soportaban las ISAM. • Están optimizadas para sistemas operativos de 64 bits.
• Posibilidad de indexar campos BLOB y TEXT.
• Se permiten valores NULL en columnas indexadas.
• Cada tabla guarda un registro que indica si fue cerrada correctamente o no, y al iniciar MySQL existe la opción de indicate that registration is verified, and repair the table if necessary, automatically. This is accomplished by starting MySQL with the option

- myisam-recover

If you find an error, try to repair it quickly sorting the records in the table. If the problem persists, re-create the file containing the table. And if it continues to exist, it tries to repair the records without a writing system.
• Concurrent Inserts (Insert multiple records at once). MERGE

This type of table is used where it is needed to address a number N of MyISAM tables (the same structure and belong the same database, which also should be part of MERGE table) like one.

This could apply if the original MyISAM table is large, and access your content take a considerable amount of time and resources. Obviously, we're talking about a really big table.

Other features:
• can be applied only SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE.
• The table definition is stored in a file. FRM, and the list of MyISAM tables in a file. MRG (here is actually an index of files. MYI used. View MyISAM tables).
• Allow some way to circumvent the size maximum table and the maximum size of a file on a specific operating system. • We know that if we delete a MyISAM table that is part of the MERGE table, we can not do under the Windows operating system because it does not allow deleting open files, and table, to join the MERGE table is considered open. For the same reason there are drawbacks in applying instructions such as DROP TABLE, ALTER TABLE, DELETE FROM without a WHERE clause, REPAIR TABLE, TRUNCATE TABLE, OPTIMIZE TABLE and ANALYZE TABLE. One way around this is to delete the contents of the MERGE table (using the DELETE statement without a WHERE a MERGE table does not delete the contents MyISAM table but they are removed from the list of components of MERGE table). So consider these tables are not open.
When you create a table of this type must be specified (with the UNION statement) the list of associated tables. Here is an example.


INSERT INTO t1 (message) VALUES ('a ");
INSERT INTO t1 (message) VALUES ('two') INSERT INTO t1
(message) VALUES ('three');
INSERT INTO t2 (message) VALUES ('four') INSERT INTO t2
( message) VALUES ("five");
INSERT INTO t2 (message) VALUES ("six");

message CHAR (20)

SELECT * FROM total;

would return something like:

January 1 February 2 March 3

January 4 February 5 March 6

INSERT_METHOD parameter specified in which table will be held on INSERTS, if the top of the list (making INSERT_METHOD = FIRST) or last (putting INSERT_METHOD = LAST). In our case, table t1 is the first and t2 is the last. HEAP

Such tables have a characteristic that makes them different from the rest: are memory tables, are temporary and disappear when the server is closed.

is important to know that this makes them really fast and, unlike a TEMPORARY table, which can only be accessed by the user who creates a HEAP table can be used by different people.

Some other features:
• No support columns of type BLOB or TEXT.
• Do not support AUTO_INCREMENT columns of type.
• Do not allow NULL values \u200b\u200bin columns that have been indexed (before MySQL on the appropriate version to 4.0.2). • should always specify the maximum number of rows (MAX_ROWS) when you create the table, not to use all available memory. InnoDB

We know that these tables, as the BerkeleyDB are TST: This term means Transactions Safe Tables, boards for secure transactions. Tables TST are less rapid rate and hold more memory, but instead offer more security against failure during the consultation.

addition, InnoDB tables have the following characteristics:
• Provide the ability to secure transactions. ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Separation, Isolation and Durability in English).
• Failover.
• Supports FOREIGN KEY (Foreign Keys). First time there is this in MySQL.
• row level locking.
• Perform backups while the database is running. • Greater efficiency in processing large volumes of information. • No clues as to create columns of type BLOB or TEXT.
• A table can not have more than 1000 columns.
• Deleting all rows from a table delete them one by one, leading to problems related to speed. Until now truncate tables.

were added in version 4.0 of MySQL.


These tables can be used independently of MySQL: are developed by another company (Sleepycat) and the database manager MySQL provides an interface to work with them as a possibility.
• Supports COMMIT and ROLLBACK operations.
• type is called TST (Transactions Safe Tables). We can see INNODB tables for more information about this topic.
• Typically, to install them to look for a version of MySQL that includes support for such tables, and enable the option at installation time (- with-berkeley dboption *).
• In the file where you saved the data also saves the path to that same file, so you can not change the base directory.

Why would use each one?
As always, the answer depends on what you have to do. The tables are commonly used today are
MyISAM, but soon (perhaps very soon) will begin to use INNODB

, especially the ability to create relationships between tables (essential in the relational model) and provide greater regarding the safety benefits in addition to the transactions.


are virtually obsolete (even the company that develops MySQL supports the possibility that in the version 5 no longer available), and others have very specific uses and even compatible with other types: the key is to study the problems that need solving, in each case and see what it is.

Ranger 20 Sailboat Sale

MySQL data with PHP Sending Authentication

you can build in PHP script to mimic the sending of data through forms that use the POST method using the headers necessary to get the browser recognizes the request. For example:
/ / Full data to be sent. $ content [] = "x = $ x"; $ content [] = "y = $ y";
$ content [] = "z = $ z";

$ content = implode ("&",$ content);
$ logitud = strlen ($ content);

$ request .= "POST / page . php HTTP/1.1 \\ r \\ n ";
 $ request .=" Host: \\ r \\ n "; 
$ request .=" Content-Type: application / x-www-form-urlencoded \\ r \\ n ";
$ request .=" Content-Length: $ logitud \\ r \\ n ";
$ request .=" Connection close \\ r \\ n ";
$ request .=" \\ r \\ n ";
$ request .= $ content;

if ($ handle = fsockopen ("" 80)) {

fputs ($ handle, $ request);

while (! Feof ($ handle)) {$ response .= fgets
($ handle, 1024);

} fclose ($ handler);

With this script we test our forms or could be used for mass data entry. But to attack our sites so we should use a captcha to prevent these attacks.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

School Annual Day Compering Speech

As we all know security can be divided into 3 aspects:

Authentication: the user is actually who they say they are.

Authorization: you may do only what is permitted to do.
Data Security: the user to see data that you can actually see. Not all applications need all these aspects, such as a minor application of an intranet does not necessarily need data security. Let

attack authentication. With JSF we can authenticate our users in different ways.
  • One way is through the container, all web containers handled the concept of security and the ability to authenticate a user. Many applications only require authentication, so we can do at the container. This provides three ways: basic, form-based, and client certificate. An example of basic authentication by adding the following lines to web.xml:



authentication I brought with the basic concept of realm. A realm is an object that represents the users and their authentication. Realm is not a standard concept and is implemented differently in the containers. For example in Apache Tomcat is a simple xml file:


Another possible forms-based authentication is, this solution was created before the JSF and is not recommended if authentication should be integrated Application:



 / faces / login.jsp  
/ faces / loginError.jsp

Another possibility is to integrate the login to our application. We will investigate this option that is most used.
What we should do is an application which can not access any website without first log in, and if someone tries to access the page is redirected to the login page. At login the user can log in so they can perform their tasks.
The concept of servlet filter, implemented in version 2.3 of servlet and redefined in 2.4 allows to operate on a request before this is processed. This allows us to check if the user is logged when you access any site. Then we state our filter in the web.xml:

That Require the user log in page
Before Accessing Any Other Than the entry pages



*. jsp


And ForcedLoginFilter class is: package
import java.util. Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.servlet.Filter;

import javax.servlet.FilterChain;

import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;

import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
 import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;

import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

public class ForcedLoginFilter implements Filter {

private static final String LOGIN_JSP = "login.jsp";

public ForcedLoginFilter() {


private static boolean checkLoginState(ServletRequest request,

ServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {

boolean isLoggedIn = false;

HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getSession(false);

UserBean managedUserBean = null;

// If there is a UserBean in the session, and it has

// the isLoggedIn property set to true.

if (null != session

&& (null != (managedUserBean = (UserBean) session

.getAttribute("UserBean")))) {

if (managedUserBean.isIsLoggedIn()) {

isLoggedIn = true;



return isLoggedIn;


public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,

FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

boolean isLoggedIn = checkLoginState(request, response);

if (isRedirect((HttpServletRequest) request) && !isLoggedIn) {

String loginURI = LOGIN_JSP;

RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher = request


// Force the login

requestDispatcher.forward(request, response);


} else {

try {

chain.doFilter(request, response);

} catch (Throwable t) {

// A production quality implementation will

// deal with this exception.




private boolean isRedirect(HttpServletRequest request) {

String requestURI = request.getRequestURI();

return (!requestURI.contains(LOGIN_JSP));



public void destroy() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

} @ Override public void init
(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException {
/ / TODO Auto-generated method stub


Classes are filters must implement the Filter interface. In this case what the filter is to verify that the user exists in the session and if the url is redirecting it, because if login redirect to go to an infinite loop is formed.

Userbar object is responsible for representing a user.

org.assembly.util package;
public class String {private


private String userPassword;

public UserBean(String userName, String userPassword) {

this.userName = userName;
 		this.userPassword = userPassword;


public boolean isIsLoggedIn() {

return true;


public String getUserName() {

return userName;


public void setUserName(String userName) {

this.userName = userName;


public String getUserPassword() {

return userPassword;


public void setUserPassword (String userPassword) {
this.userPassword = userPassword;

So now we create a login.jsp page that will be as follows

pageEncoding = " UTF-8 "%>


<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"

<%@ taglib prefix="f" uri=""%>
Base <%@ taglib prefix="h" uri=""%> Taxpayers

< html>
< head>
< meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

< /head>
< body background="black">

action = "# {loginBean.validate}" />

And then we create the managed bean that will be like this:
< /body>

org.assembly.util.login package; < /html>
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
org.assembly.util.UserBean import;
public class

LoginBean {private String userName;

private String userPassword;
public String validate () {

/ / validate if the password and pass are correct.
/ / if an error return null;

Userbar Userbar = new user (userName, userPassword);

FacesContext.getCurrentInstance (). GetExternalContext (). GetSessionMap ()
. Put ("Userbar", user);

return "index";}

getUserName public String () {return userName
} public void

setUserName (String userName) {
this.userName = userName;}

getUserPassword public String () {
return userPassword;}

setUserPassword void (String userPassword) {
this.userPassword = userPassword;

Then we declare in the face-config.xml our bean and login url.




request ...

login / login.jsp

This was a little example in jsf login.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Christian Greetings For New Born Baby

Despite JSF advancement of open systems, 78% of computers using Windows

Public bugle this news, which I do not really like it:

Despite the advancement of free software, Microsoft Windows 2010 continued to dominate the computer world with a market share 78.6% in the market for operating systems, as market analyst Gartner.
For its part, Apple was able to increase the contributions of its operating systems to the total turnover of 1.6 to 1.7 percent. Mac computers are currently experiencing a boom, according to Gartner, while Microsoft has benefited from unpopular change to the new Windows Vista 7. According to Gartner, in addition to PCs and Macs, for study also took into account the large corporate computers, called "servers" where IBM, HP and Oracle have more presence. Between server operators proved the most popular Linux.
Why not switch to Linux?

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Getting A Pa Trailer License For Boat

Encrypt password with MySQL

who did not have to encrypt a password before storing in the database? As you may know is a good practice to save the encrypted password as this can minimize the damage to our users if an intruder obtains the way to see the base and also allows system administrators are not aware of them, no way to know them.

When working with MySQL , we can use functions or md5 sha1 . For testing we can do it this way: > select md5 ('Holass');

> select sha1 ('Holass');
Recall that the encryption algorithms and md5 sha1

are the most used.

To insert a user with a password encrypted using md5
can do the following: > insert into user (name, password) values \u200b\u200b('name', md5 ('password')); and if we verify the user: > select * from users WHERE name = 'name' and password = md5 ('password'); MySQL

also brings its own function to encrypt password
called Books:

> select password ('Holass');

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Best Illegal Softball Bats

I Yeta

I Yeta or I must be, because in this blog comment that the flock browser was the future of browsers
, or at least what I thought. Today I get an email that flock is discontinuous, that support for this browser ceased on 26 April and invited me to migrate to other browsers like firefox or chrome.

I'll try not predict the future of other products, just to keep close.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Get Ready In Nylon Overall


Before we define what is
. NoSQL is a term used to group computer a series of non-relational data stores that provide ACID guarantees. Usually no tables or schemes of sentences "join." "
NewSQL " is shorthand we refer to the various new database vendors of high performance. Formerly referred to these products as " ScalableSQL " to differentiate the products of traditional relational databases. As this involves horizontal scalability, which is not necessarily a feature of all products.
And to clarify, as
should not be taken too literally: what is new about the sellers
NewSQL the seller, not the SQL .
So who would be considered sellers
NewSQL ? As NoSQL , NewSQL is used to describe a group of companies or products, which have in common is the development of new products and services, relational database, designed to bring the benefits of the relational model architectures distributed, or to improve the performance of relational databases to the extent that scalability is a necessity. To name a few products / companies NewSQL
: Clustrix, GenieDB, ScalArc, Goleta, VoltDB, RethinkDB, ScaleDB Akiba, CodeFutures, ScaleBase, Translattice and NimbusDB ... These new products
NewSQL functionality overlap with NoSQL , allowing scalability without losing the relational model and some products are mixed with products NoSQL
, making the line very thin.
What is the future of data bases? NewSQL
since he won the won
NoSQL ? Time will tell ...

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Dining Table Leg Repair

Scala Publish Free Book for Security

is the first edition of Programming in Scala, it's great for this contribution.
leave the link:

Recomendations For Hair Colour

Photos Chilecito Integration and Development Center of Quilmes

People Integration Centre and development in the city of Quilmes, sent us some pictures of activities they are doing boys. Is the share and invite you to send us those of their schools.

Students Gardening Workshop of Integration and Development Center, since 2004, hold a joint experience in applying the acquired knowledge in the care and beautification of the streets "The Cross" and "San Martín" in the town of Quilmes.

in 2007, were honored with a Presidential Citation Award "Solidarity Schools." From that experience grew and students began to produce vegetable seedlings to donate to community gardens and forest seedlings for planting on the street. From the Radio Workshop of the Center activities are disseminated. The Municipality of Quilmes involved in the project to provide advice and, through the transfer of materials and tools, preparation of posters for the squares and the organization of fairs for the sale of seedlings. They have also been given to some students benefit PEC (Community Employment Program) for the realization of micro enterprises.

The practice has contributed to recognition by the residents of the work carried out by students and encouraged them to offer their cooperation and also to purchase floral species produced by students. Since the students participating in the experience improved their self-esteem and improved their educational achievements. The experience enables young people to train in a profession that allows them to have a job opportunity when they finish their schooling, and that the initiative will grow to become a microenterprise.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

How To Change Language In Pokemon Soul Silver

JEE and EJB provide a set of services that developers can integrate declaratively or programmatically. These services include authorization and authentication.

authentication and identification The EJB specification does not indicate as authentic. Although security is defined as the spread from client to server, it is defined as the client gets the identity and credentials with an invocation of EJB, also defined as the server saves and gets the authentication. When you access an EJB many applications use the JNDI API, for example we can authenticate access to an EJB as follows:

properties.put (Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "username"); properties.put (Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "password"); Context ctx = new InitialContext (properties);
jndiContext.lookup Object ref = ("SecureBean / remote");
SecureRemoteBusiness remote = (SecureRemoteBusiness) ref;

In the example, the user is authenticated with the connection to the "JNDI InitialContext"


applications as we know we are not all equal, each user has a role to an application such as "administrator", "employee", etc.. and each role can do or not do certain actions, ie have or not have permission to. In

EJB there are different types of granularity of permissions can be set per user or role. This allows authentication to a separate process of approval.
Roles are defined in a logical and may represent roles, groups, or any other identification. The roles of the EJBs are mapped to actual users and groups when the bean is deployable.

Permission is well defined in the EJB specification. Roles are declared programmatically and then indicate the permissions for the beans through annotations and ejb-jar.xml incurring
saw so EJB security theory in a future post we will do something more practical.

Port Royale 2 City Editor

JEE EJB 3 Why not? Java

'm a promoter of the use of Spring but X is why I am studying a little JEE 5 and I'm really surprised by its simplicity, change a lot. The only thing critical is the time to raise jboss or glassfish or other JEE server is more than just use tomcat or jetty (obviously).

EJB 3 specification leaves behind the bad taste that had previous versions of EJB in developing. The most important step now is pojos EJB, which by means of annotations can be inferred behavior. There is no need to inherit from any object, make interfaces (thank God).

Consider the types of beans that exist: Message-Driven Beans: Asynchronous messaging is a paradigm in which two or more applications communicate using a message that describes a business event. These beans can produce and consume asynchronous messages. Entity Beans: These are modeling our data objects (POJOs) and are persisted through javax.persistence.EntityManager. Using JPA (described in JSR-317) we persist our entity beans as if we used a common ORM.

This is a short summary of which provides us with EJB 3. In the next post will expand!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Western Themed Catchy Phrases

adheres to Believe to See Global Youth Service Day

can follow all the news by clicking on the image.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Milena Velba Bra Nurse

Magazine is Coming!

The idea is that in late July will leave the official magazine of free Java. It is an interesting proposal oracle.

is not yet a published nro but we can register. leave the link:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Do Capillaries Disappear

java.util.Objects the new library of Java 7! The history of linux

The truth is that many do not like (to be resistance to change), I think it robs the objects work, for me this feature should be an Object or otherwise, do not know. Beyond my humble opinion was necessary, we always had to write a util to do things that makes this library hours.
showFoo public void (Foo foo) {Foo foo2 = new Foo ();
/ / lot of code
if (foo.equals (foo2)) {System.out
. println ("Two Men");

} else {System.out.println ("And a Half ");

This can see how we solve it with Objects:

showFoo public void (Foo foo) {

Foo foo2 = new Foo ();

/ /
lot of code if (Objects.equals (foo, foo2)) {
System.out.println ("Two Men");

} else {System.out.println ("And a Half");}

We can make hash with Objects, which will be of org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder

@ Override public int hashCode () {return
Objects.hash (name, age, job);}

We can check that an object is null public void

showFoo (Foo foo) { = Objects.requireNonNull (foo);} 

We take take the toString if not null, and otherwise return a value: return

Objects.toString (foo, "Foo is Empty");

Interesting no? they think the new library?


Swollen Puffy Eyes Memory Foam

Believing Programme See

few days ago , Buenos Aires Economico newspaper published a story on the program Ver Believing The paper explains the project and how many people benefit. Note To view please click on the image

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Application Licence Java

occasion 20 years of Linux was held the following video that explains the history of the operating system.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tips On How Beat Solitare

Media Watch the blog as you prefer

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wrestling Belt Cake Sheets


... I will not change, I will not change my
they tell me "baby, baby
you what you got everything."
Oh, go black ... Rare The small paragraph of the song lice "black go go" sums up my feeling a bit on this language, it is like he has all but done as he likes to google. I am not saying that this wrong, but so many laps around thread are not very good at times. Go The programming language is an open source project with the objective of the productivity of programmers. Go

is expressive, concise, clean and efficient. Concurrency mechanisms makes it easy to write programs that take full advantage of multiple cores and networked machines, while typing the new system allows the construction of flexible and modular programs. Quickly compiled into machine code, but has the comfort of garbage collection and the power of runtime reflection.

For example: package main

/ / fib returns That function returns a
/ / Successive Fibonacci numbers.
func fib () func () {int
a, b: = 0, 1 return func () {int
a, b = b, a + b

return b}}

func main () {
f: = fib ()
/ / Function Are Evaluated calls left-to-right.
println (f (), f (), f (), f (), f ())}

The output of this program is to: 1 2 3 5 8

can easily see the influence of python c + +

Here is a hello world:

main package import fmt "fmt" / / Package Implementing formatted I / O.

func main () {
fmt.Printf ("Hello, world, or Καλημέρα κόσμε; or こんにちは 世界 \\ n")}

Go is a compiled language. To compile this program we can use Gccgo using GCC. There are also a number of compilers for different architectures, for example: 6g for 64-bit x86, 8g for 32-bit x86, etc. These compilers run faster than Gccgo but generate less efficient code. Let's see how to compile and run go:
$ 6g # compile; object goes Into helloworld.6 helloworld.6
$ 6l # link; output goes Into $ 6.out
Hello, world, or Καλημέρα κόσμε; or こんにちは 世界
$ gccgo helloworld.go
$ a.out Hello, world, or Καλημέρα κόσμε; or こんにちは 世界

leave links as always

Saturday, April 2, 2011

How To Repaint The Scratche S On My Spectacles

rails I'm studying a bit and found some links of the Rails APIs.
If you want to see the rails code: git clone cd rails For rails api
http://api.rubyonrails org.

I hope they serve.