Thursday, March 5, 2009

Is It Illegal To Have A Bulletproof Vest In Ca

The most profound contempt for country people

recently in Congress made him remove the words to Congresswoman Jane
Huancahuari to assert "here in the Congress is Congress who feel the deepest contempt for country people" . Immediately
interrupted and not allowed to continue. The commission chairman said that was not true and asked,
"That's not true, Juanita"
to withdraw his words (see the video in this post , DETP ).

Now we see these pictures not long ago:

Martha Hildebrandt: "I can talk to my intellectual equal," giving back to an indigenous congressman.

Based on this video, the statement "here in the Congress is Congress who feel the deepest contempt for country people," is true or not true? Congresswoman Huancahuari

withdrew his words. The official story is that there is contempt for rural people in the Peruvian Congress.


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