Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gumbo Monster Mudders

Happy International Dance Day

Last Sunday was International Day celebration of dance in the ANC and the 2nd consecutive year the girls went back to dance class and me. The event estubo regular means, the truth as it seemed bazaars but hey, either way, perhaps not well or we would invite us to dance that day. Here are some photos I have taken that day I dance and back in the car.

here starting with a little dance Khaaliji (there are lots of ways to write this dance and I have no idea what all is correct)

Khaaliji Dance is a Dance of the Persian Gulf and is distinguished by head movements and hair

Baladi dancing Over
Baledi And the fat remains in Baledi
I am one of the pink!
Gill Dany, Dany and Pao
And Gordis: D

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How Bad Is Genatel Herpes

I won another award!

Yupiiiii! But if I'm up I like (huy if ...) Today I went to the blog of Fatima dance I find that Blogger wins the prize of the day. Yes I'm not very good at writing e made it abandonadote this blog but I have tired chamba of veritas. What if I'm so glad someone is entertained that if my post.

Well see this award has its bases and it is this (copy / paste of the very blog of Fatima ):

- The award must be attributed to blogs considered good and that one used to visit regularly and leave comments.

- When you receive the prize you must write a post indicating who was the person who gave you the award and its corresponding link to that blog.

- A label for the award.

- State 7 blogs to receive the award.

- should be proud to display the label of the award, preferably with a link which speaks of him.

- (Optional) If you want to publicize the creature with too much time to make the prize, or had the idea to invent, or Skinet , the author will thank you.

Ok, understood? Well, although I have been very difficult to get to read blogs I always, but whenever I I propose to read some of them are these:

- obviously the William Ziegler , like many times I've said here, I read your ziegleraventuras entant.

- Almost seriously, this is another of my favorites, has some beautiful photos of Montreal and his travels and his writing I love.

- Scene Skene, this is a blog of a Mexican girl who now lives in France. very good blog.

- The of Kitty Kat , there's this girl and I enjoy their stories, although sometimes I can not read at home because it is half porn and if caught me looking at those pics here I'm going to end hehe

- Miss Neuman , very funny your blog

- Bellydancing to know that we are right and wrong, always I read it, I love your passion for dance.

- And last but not least that of Fatima dance, not to return the award if not for that I love your criticism of dance DVDs, way too good not to spend so much on things that are worthwhile.

know many of you know that name and won a prize here is that some never said anything just read and see but as I love them!
Kisses to all!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How To Masterbat My Wife

I'ma mother again!

This cute little dog called Suri (because it seems to stop Meerkat jiji) found a neighbor in the street, this all skinny and neglected (as if, as a street dog that is), as the vet is about 5 or 6 months but that little or much that has ever lived were the most difficult he had to live, trying to survive on the streets under kicks and others (he is afraid of brooms and already imagine how many brooms received.)

Suri Welcome to my life!