AppFuse is a web based application where the task of connecting all the frameworks already been done (by Matt Raible, which is a guarantee of sufficient quality). It is very useful for certain projects, especially those with large number of rules associated with business users and their permissions on the application. However, to achieve this, the glue used is too strong and is difficult to change the behavior of what is known as the "core" of AppFuse.
For simple applications, or control over the development process, there is AppFuse Light. Spring always around as implementing dependency injection, you can choose from 60 combinations of MVC and persistence frameworks.
AppFuse uses Maven for the purpose of automation, from the compilation and generation of WAR to the execution of unit tests or the application itself Jetty container.
What you should do is go to the following URL and find the framework we need. This query will return the maven archetype to create our project.
For example if I want a multi-module project with the tapestry of maven archetype is:
mvn archetype: generate-B-DarchetypeGroupId = org.appfuse.archetypes-DarchetypeArtifactId = appfuse-basic-tapestry-archetype-DarchetypeVersion = 2.1.0 -DgroupId = com.mycompany-DartifactId = myproject-DarchetypeRepository = http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/appfuse
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