Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Arsene Wenger Tips Diet

My new Linux

For personal reasons I changed my old linux (a debian) for new linux. And I chose Linux Mint, why? Its simplicity, ease of use and as homestyle. It's great for me.

If we consult the Wikipedia will tell us:

Linux Mint is a distribution of GNU / Linux distribution based on Ubuntu (which in turn is based on Debian). As of September 7, 2010 Also available is a Debian-based editing, supports the latter shares the same repositories.

Linux Mint keeps a current inventory, a stable operating system for the average user, with a strong emphasis on usability and ease of installation. It is known for being easy to use, especially for users without previous Linux experience. Besides this

your community is very active, I found a English-language web. Leave


Monday, May 16, 2011

Psittacosisfrom Grey Parrots

"Not One Less" The ESB Project Gonzalez Catan La Salle

The project has the intention of responding to the problems of school failure, repetition and dropout in a neighborhood with higher socio-educational vulnerability of Buenos Aires. The school, founded recently, has developed various strategies and actions to transform these problems, such as tutoring and summer school. Aiming to strengthen the role of youth in their community, the school has developed some charitable projects in isolation, and help support program to develop an institutional program of service learning.

Through work in a subject, students ESB La Salle began to worry about health issues and housing in the locality. The poor state of hospitals, lack of sewage and drinking water led to the spread of disease in much of the population.

One of the teachers was the one who proposed to the young people to submit projects to address citizen participation. In this way, students could recognize the lack of adequate medical care in a protected environment and decent housing, among others.

Students are sensitized to the problems of the neighborhood, it was suggested to the guys who think ideas or alternatives to address these shortcomings. It was thus put together a list of proposals: street paving, access to potable water supply and sewerage to all households, the greater offer of free workshops in all districts, recovery and maintenance of green spaces and housing.

Under Computer classes last year at school the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the blog www.esblasallecatan.blogspot.com where they began to turn their efforts to improve the situation neighborhood. " With this blog we want to communicate what our problems," says the first post of the boys of ESB La Salle Gonzalez Catan.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sandra Bullock Affair

AppFuse is a web based application where the task of connecting all the frameworks already been done (by Matt Raible, which is a guarantee of sufficient quality). It is very useful for certain projects, especially those with large number of rules associated with business users and their permissions on the application. However, to achieve this, the glue used is too strong and is difficult to change the behavior of what is known as the "core" of AppFuse.

For simple applications, or control over the development process, there is AppFuse Light. Spring always around as implementing dependency injection, you can choose from 60 combinations of MVC and persistence frameworks.

AppFuse uses Maven for the purpose of automation, from the compilation and generation of WAR to the execution of unit tests or the application itself Jetty container.

What you should do is go to the following URL and find the framework we need. This query will return the maven archetype to create our project.

For example if I want a multi-module project with the tapestry of maven archetype is:

mvn archetype: generate-B-DarchetypeGroupId = org.appfuse.archetypes-DarchetypeArtifactId = appfuse-basic-tapestry-archetype-DarchetypeVersion = 2.1.0 -DgroupId = com.mycompany-DartifactId = myproject-DarchetypeRepository = http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/appfuse

leave links:

Soaps Without Betaine

AppFuse with Prototype Ajax Programming

Prototype, a JavaScript that implements the Ajax frameworks. Is object oriented, general purpose, ie can be used even in projects that involved no Ajax. Prototype

introduces an object called Ajax that, like all other objects and other functions seeks to eliminate the incompatibilities between browsers. In the case of Ajax, the XMLHttpRequest object differences between Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft ActiveX object in Internet Explorer. Internally, Prototype initializes an XMLHttpRequest object as follows:

 var Ajax = {
getTransport: function () {return
Try.these (
function () {return new XMLHttpRequest ()},
function () {return new ActiveXObject ('Msxml2.XMLHTTP ')},
function () {return new ActiveXObject (' Microsoft.XMLHTTP ')}

{method: 'get', parameters
'a = 1 & b = 2', onComplete
: funcionReceptora


The method takes two arguments: the URL destination in which to settle the request (page, web service, flat file, etc.) and a series of data in JSON notation. Some of the possible are:

method: communication method (POST or GET).

parameters: parameters.

onComplete: function that is invoked when the transaction is complete.
asynchronous: asynchronous communication (true by default) or synchronous (false).

onSuccess: function to invoke when the transaction is completed successfully.
    onFailure: function to be invoked if there is a problem during the transaction.
  • evalScripts: true to evaluate JavaScript code of the response.
  • The function that takes control upon completion of the transaction (known as funcionReceptora) automatically takes the response as an argument:
  • funcionReceptora function (response) {
  • $ ('result'). InnerHTML = Respuesta.responseText;}
  • The answer admits the XMLHttpRequest object's properties, eg

responseText (response returned by the server).
 responseXML (response returned by the server validates as XML). 

status (response status).
statusText (description of the state).

This was a short summary of the use of Prototype
  • , leave links:
  • http://www.prototypejs.org/
  • http://api.prototypejs.org/

http : / / www.prototypejs.org / learn

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Substitute To Polaroid 600 Film

We have often heard the phrase "Programming is learned programming" and I personally believe that nothing is further from the truth. The program is a strategy game like chess, it is necessary to study. Because anyone can move the chess pieces but playing well with basics and knowing the plays, very few.
is also true that some people are born with the ability to solve problems more easily and learn, but equally it does not excuse to stop studying.
Experience is a great tool but not the only developer. He left a The smart learn from their mistakes, the wise man's mistakes.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Soap To Treat Folliculitis

phrase you learn programming in Erlang Concurrency

intelligent person recovers from a failure, it is not never recover from a success.

... Nor the success of others.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Can A Woman Get A Hernia

We've discussed this before:
But let's do a review, Erlang is a concurrent programming language and a delivery system that includes a virtual machine and libraries. It was designed in the company Ericsson for distributed applications, fault tolerant, soft-real-time and uninterrupted operation. Provides hot swapping of code so that it can be changed without stopping the system. Originally, it was a proprietary language Erlang from Ericsson, but was licensed as open source software in 1998. The implementation of Ericsson is primarily performed but also includes a HIPE compiler (only supported on some platforms).
Among the major achievements of the platform we note that facebook chat and CouchDB document database.
No doubt one thing that makes it special is how Erlang handles concurrency. Erlang does not handle the competition with thread as we have used C, C + + or Java. Erlang solves programming model CONCURRENT by actors. The actor model of concurrency is a computational model that treats "actors" as the universal primitives of parallel digital computation: in response to a message received, an actor can make local decisions, create more actors, it sends more messages and determine how to respond to the next message received. -module (hello).
-export ([loop / 0]).
loop () -> Receive

greets a well-known "known" ->
io: format ("Hello!"),
loop ();
% A stranger, do not greet
_ - >
io: format ("..."),
loop ()

In the first line declare the module and then import the loop function, with which we define an empty function and iterate forever. Receive to receive a message similar to the swich, wait for a message and the callback executes the code structure which corresponds to the message sent and the "_" as the default is in c, c + + or Java. First compile


1> c (hello).

greeter spawn can be generated with a process, spawn will return the PID of the process, which we will use to send messages.

2> Pid = spawn (fun greeter: loop / 0).

Now we are going to send a message:

4> Pid! "Known."
Hello! "Known"

5> Pid! "Pepe".
... "Pepe"

As expected just say hello to acquaintances. Operator ! send messages to an actor from its Pid.

This is a small example of erlang concurrency management. The way it handles the Scala audience was inspired by Erlang.

Pokemon Heart Gold Wpa


A good practice to publish our restful url formats. Where data from the query are part of the url, this greater acceptance from the user and search engines. For example, my site features the profile of my users, if wishing to be publishing the profile of John the url would be something like:


This is more friendly than this:
I think this we all agree. Many times in our java projects can not do this, as the web framework does not. For these cases there URLRewrite, which allows our url rewriting as we want; eye not only be used for restful url but for any change we would like to make our urls.
First download the maven jar or if we add this in the pom.xml




Then we must add the following filter in the web.xml:




/ *

Now we must write a file containing the URLs change, the file must be called urlrewrite.xml:


/ profile / ([az] +) $

/ mysite / profile / index.htm? name = $ 1

can see in the file that there is from (the url that the user) and to (the real url of your system) with $ 1 are indicating that the first parameter is the variable in the url destination. This foma
we set our url so they are more beautiful.

leave links:



Friday, May 6, 2011

Skin Repairing At Night

10 schools are added to the program believing is seeing

Since May, the program "believing is seeing" Natura solidarity support to 36 schools because the schools that participated last year, will add 10 new participants. For its part, four new rural schools added to the School Support Programme Solidarity. As usual, the schools receive funding, training and technical assistance to strengthen the quality and sustainability of service-learning projects.

Here the complete list of schools built in 2011:
Program "believing is seeing" : High School No. 304, Pilar, the College's Salle, Gonzalez Catan, the Technical Education School N ° 4 "Jorge Sabato, Florencio Varela, the Provincial Institute of Secondary Education N ° 23 "Lino Enea Spilimbergo" Unquillo, Córdoba, 4-004 School "Mercedes Álvarez de Segura, San Rafael, Mendoza, Fortunato Bonelli High School , San Nicolas, Buenos Aires, the Middle School No. 27 "Heroes of the Falklands", Lomas de Zamora, School No. 44 Enrique Berduc in "Home School Complex Eva Peron, in Paraná, Entre Ríos, the School No. 61 "Juan Galo Lavalle", Rosario, Santa Fe, and finally the Provincial School No. 44 "José Ignacio Gorriti" de Jujuy.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Symptoms Of Stomach Cancer In Dogs


Ceylon is the new language that runs on jvm. It is a language made by JBoss / Red Hat, the main driver is no more, Gavin King
or less the creator of Hibernate.

was created to run on a JVM, use static writing and includes support for higher-order functions, maintaining a strong focus on ease to learn and to read it. The main premise is taken into account in its design was: How would Java if writing today?

promise to make a decent post about the language, for now just leave a series of tutorials that made its creator in his blog:


Bushnell Trophy Matte T Dot For Sale

stored procedures and functions in MySQL Table Types

If you already use databases such as Oracle, Interbase / Firebird, PostgreSQL, sure heard from stored procedures. However, in MySQL this is a novelty and a huge step for this database will become a true management system databases. But what son en realidad los procedimientos almacenados? Luego de sumergirnos en este tema veremos que el nombre es plenamente identificatorio y casi explica lo que es un procedimiento almacenado.
Los procedimientos almacenados son un conjunto de instrucciones SQL más una serie de estructuras de control que nos permiten dotar de cierta lógica al procedimiento. Estos procedimientos están guardados en el servidor y pueden ser accedidos a través de llamadas, como veremos más adelante.
Para crear un procedimiento, MySQL nos ofrece la directiva CREATE PROCEDURE. Al crearlo éste es ligado o relacionado con la base de datos que se está usando, tal como cuando creamos una tabla, por ejemplo.
Para llamar a un procedimiento We protect the CALL statement. Since a procedure in turn can invoke other procedures or functions.

A stored procedure, like any of the procedures that we set in our applications using any language, is:

A name.

can have a list of parameters.

has a content (also called definition section of the case: here

specify what they will do and how.)

This content can consist of SQL statements, control structures, local variable declaration, error handling, etc..
  • MySQL SQL syntax follows: 2003 for stored procedures, which also uses IBM DB2.
  • In summary, the syntax of a stored procedure is as follows:
  • CREATE PROCEDURE name (parameter)
  • [features]
  • definition may be more than one parameter (separated by commas) or may not have any ( in this case must still be present parentheses, although there is nothing inside.)

The parameters have the following structure: name type mode

way: is optional and may be IN (the default value are the parameters that the procedure will) OUT (are the parameters that the procedure may change) INOUT (mixture of the two).
name is the name of the parameter.

type: any type of data provided by MySQL. Within

features may include comments or define whether the procedure will return the same results with equal inputs, among other things.

definition: it is the body of the procedure and consists of the procedure itself: here you define what it does, how it does and under what circumstances do.
  • Just as there are procedures, there are also functions. To create a function, MySQL offers the CREATE FUNCTION directive.
  • The difference between a function and a procedure is that the function return values. These values \u200b\u200bcan be used as arguments to SQL statements, as we normally do with other functions such as, for example, MAX () or COUNT (). Use
  • RETURNS clause is required when defining a function and used to specify the type of data to be returned (only the data type, not the data).
  • Its syntax is:
  • CREATE FUNCTION name (parameter)
RETURNS type [characteristic]

definition may be more than one parameter (Separated by commas) or may not have any (in this case the brackets should still be present, although there is nothing inside.) The parameters have the following structure: name type


 name is the name of the parameter. 

type: any type of data provided by MySQL. Within
features may include comments or define whether the function will return the same results with equal inputs, among other things.

definition: it is the body of the procedure and consists of the procedure itself: here you define what it does, how it does and when.

To call a function we do it simply by invoking his name, as in many programming languages.
  • Since a function in turn can invoke other functions or procedures.
  • mysql> delimiter / /
  • mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE procedure (cod IN INT)
  • ->
  • BEGIN -> SELECT * FROM table WHERE cod_t = cod;
  • -> END
-> / / Query
OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> delimiter;
mysql> CALL procedimento (4);

In the previous code first thing we do is set a delimiter. Using the MySQL command line we saw that the default delimiter is the semicolon (;) in stored procedures can define us.

The interesting thing is that we can write the previous anchor, without which the procedure ends. Later in this same code will return to the classical boundary. Then we create the procedure with the syntax seen above and locate the content between the keywords BEGIN and END.

The procedure takes one parameter and then work with him, so this parameter is of type IN. We define the parameter as OUT when he goes out to await the procedure. If the parameter had been in and out at the same time, it would be called INOUT type.

The procedure ends and is then called with the following statement:

mysql> CALL procedimento (4);

Another example: CREATE PROCEDURE

procedimiento2 (IN a INTEGER)

BEGIN DECLARE CHAR variable ( 20);
 variable = 'greater than 10'; 
ELSE SET variable = 'less than or equal to 10';
INSERT INTO table VALUES (variable);


• The procedure takes one parameter which is called type integer.
• Declare a variable for internal use is called variable and is of type char.
• Implement a control structure and if a is greater than 10 variable is assigned a value. If it is not assigned another.
• Use the final value of variable in an SQL statement.

Recall that to implement the last example should use new anchors, as discussed above.

now observe a sample of functions:
mysql> delimiter / /
-> RETURN s * s;
-> / /
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> delimiter;
mysql> SELECT square (2);

Other databases such as PostgreSQL stored procedures implemented and provide the ability to be programmed using languages \u200b\u200bsuch as PHP or Java.
In MySQL is planning to implement the same and probably in future versions we will see, but more important to use language or another is to understand what might serve the stored procedures.

Ultimately we took a tour through the world of programming stored procedures in MySQL. It is important that this is a world that is under development and promises to evolve.

Let Link:


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dvd Player Home Repair

Multipurpose Training in the Art Center "Prof. Trasobares "

19 and 20 April, there was a learning-service training in the Multipurpose Center of Art "Prof. Trasobares "of Chili. The seminar, delivered by Prof. Maria del Carmen Lash, was aimed at middle school teachers and authorities of the institution.

The classroom training was conducted, among other activities, one day work in the nearby town of Guanchín, which was called the Via Crucis which restored Art students in collaboration with primary school of the town of La Rioja.