'm a promoter of the use of Spring but X is why I am studying a little JEE 5 and I'm really surprised by its simplicity, change a lot. The only thing critical is the time to raise jboss or glassfish or other JEE server is more than just use tomcat or jetty (obviously).
EJB 3 specification leaves behind the bad taste that had previous versions of EJB in developing. The most important step now is pojos EJB, which by means of annotations can be inferred behavior. There is no need to inherit from any object, make interfaces (thank God).
Consider the types of beans that exist: Message-Driven Beans: Asynchronous messaging is a paradigm in which two or more applications communicate using a message that describes a business event. These beans can produce and consume asynchronous messages.

This is a short summary of which provides us with EJB 3. In the next post will expand!
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