The question being asked increasingly in the areas of education is: to what extent the introduction of new communication technologies (ICTs) in the hands of students can improve the level of learning and knowledge? What teaching strategies can be successful? What level of institutional decentralization is needed in the education system? What is the degree of collaboration with other stakeholders is needed and can be expected, both the parents and the agencies to be checked?
The first aspect to examine is the environment in which they must actuar las TICs para que fomenten y efectivicen el aprendizaje, más que quedarse a debatir acerca de las potencialidades de las tecnologías en sí mismas.
Para contextualizar lo que está sucediendo, deberían tenerse en cuenta tres factores determinantes. Aquí debajo el primero.
1) Las nuevas generaciones de alumnos y sus formas de relacionarse con el sistema mediático-cultural
Para las next generation Internet (capitalized) is part and parcel of everyday life. Some polls show the trend: More recent polls show that if they have to choose a single "medium" to their daily lives, 43% would opt for the Internet. These results are mainly due to the Internet has begun to play a central role in times of leisure and entertainment. It is no longer only the means by which people learn. Now they spend there a growing percentage of their leisure time.
The Generations Iberoamerican Interactive report published last month, revealed that in Argentina, recreation continue to play a more traditional leading role among children and young people of school age. 60% of entertainment and leisure time is devoted to traditional activities. You can read the same report also leisure time in digital environments of these young generations of Argentina and represents 31% of the total. The simultaneous consumption of media within hours of homework at home is growing. If one considers only the school from 10 to 18 years, the survey found that Internet Interactive Generations tends to move in significant proportions, the study (38%), TV (32%) and reading (27%). Argentina recorded values \u200b\u200bin these indicators among the highest auscultated Latin American populations in the survey.
is essential to consider that parents of students entering the school today is probably no longer belong to the same generation in terms of digital consumer. The arrival of new generations of students to school also means relate to new generations of parents who, being closer to the digital and interactive, they must have other expectations for the contribution it can make the school to the acquisition or optimization the digital skills of their children.
may be admitted that, on average, the use of ICTs in personal life and home of los dos actores educativos, padres y docentes, es similar. La diferencia podría residir en que la vida laboral de los docentes está más predeterminada hasta ahora por un distanciamiento generalizado de esas herramientas, mayor que en el promedio de la población.
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