Friday, November 12, 2010

Firewire Ethernet Adapter

schools are good examples of technology applied to education School 2.0

With today's post started a section looking for teachers to find good tools to implement in the classroom.
In this first case, who is going to be happy are the chemistry teachers, as pElement is a periodic table interactive and where you can find valuable information about each element. Clicking on any item will open a window indicating the n omenclatura to write the item, its number atomic and 6 small buttons that contain the following information:

  1. About
  2. physical information
  3. chemical information Overview
  4. electron
  5. information element structure
  6. nuclear information

The program is free and can be installed on any Windows computer.
should click to download here.
If you have suggestions of other programs that deserve inclusion, please write to


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