Friday, October 29, 2010

Eggwhite Cervical Mucus Tinged With Blood

Multipurpose Center "Prof. Roberto Trasobares" Chili, La Rioja

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Famous People With Kawasaki Disease

finished the week of the Organ in schools

today ended the tenth edition of the "Week of Organ Donation in Schools", an activity that is included in the initiative of the School Calendar Single Coordinating Centre ablation and implantation of the Province of Buenos Aires (CUCAIBA) under the portfolio of Health, which aims to provide an opportunity to learn and become aware of this act of solidarity. So, since last Monday 18 until now, educational institutions have developed different activities to achieve a positive and realistic view of the topic, generating knowledge and actions that promote organ and tissue donation.

was the case, for example, High School No. 12 Berisso, located on the traditional street in New York corner 170, where students witnessed the discussions of information and awareness provided by the prison, Dario Coletto . As part of the activities, sophomores, participating in the workshop of plastic, made posters, using the collage technique, which then exhibited in shops in the neighborhood.

This work motivated the students to discuss the importance of organ donation and the need to find a clear way to convey a message that allows awareness on the subject. Led by Artistic teachers Reche and Silvia Martin Burger, the boys developed their posters with pictures cut from magazines and acrylics.

High School Berisso No. 12, which is called "Bishop Angelleri" provides guidance in Art and has already finalized several samples in the neighborhood. Currently, students and teachers paint a mural on a wall of the historic New York street about 17 October, and they themselves were commissioned to do murals in each of the classrooms of the school building.

worth remembering that classroom teachers specifically addressed the issue of organ donation with the support of two million leaflets distributed by CUCAIBA, who joined pedagogical proposals developed by the health portfolio and the Directorate General Culture and Education, with the aim that students incorporate the theme and work as multipliers of the message in favor of the donation.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Continental Baking Company Fruit Cake Tin

Multimodal Presentation College N ° 11 "Abel Acosta, Santa Maria, Catamarca

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

To Be A Good Man To Grils

The mobile library Education School No. 10, Joseph C. Peace

The mobile library is meant to promote reading among children and adolescents in the local community through a mobile library that loops through local institutions with activities as collecting, selecting text and narration for children and young people, creating a space for meeting and incentive to reading it. It is worth remembering that the lack of reading is one of the problems that affect children and adolescents of our time is the lack of reading for pleasure.

The initiative seeks to articulate the terms of languages \u200b\u200band literature, showing the parts making up stories, types of texts and writing children's stories.

here highlight the importance of reading as one that develops skills that speed compression, challenges the imagination as a tool of knowledge, personal training, etc.

is why it is necessary to promote reading with all its benefits to recover its place in the personal choice of children and adolescents.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Numbness And Pain In Left Hand And Arm

Video on activities in the School Agrotécnica No. 733 of Gaiman, Chubut

Friday, October 8, 2010

Patricia Nimocks Clear Acrylic Sealer Miniature

October 8: National Day of Solidarity

Under the Sixth Meeting of Federal Council of Education agreed to incorporate the school calendar the October 8 as the National Student Day Solidario, in recognition of the solidarity that routinely carry out thousands of Argentine students and in memory of nine students and faculty of the School Echoes of the City of Buenos Aires, that the October 8, 2006 died returning from a voluntary activity carried out at School No. 375, The Paraisal, province of Chaco.

As a bonus, we let the video in which students from the Universities Colleges and winners give a message in which inter alia said: "These practices that allow us to participate to have another vision of reality. Acquire the experience that complements the theory that we receive in our classrooms. Leaving the books and go to practice. We discovered that you can always talk to others, we can all do something and change along with others. (...) These practices transform our lives and gives us a different professional perspective. We recognize with a professional look different, more human and more united. We believe that with these actions, along with other efforts of various organizations, we are transforming the country. (...) We thank you also for your confidence in us and each of us, lest we are left with the idea that "Argentina's youth is lost" and really there are young people who want to create a different country, more justice and solidarity. "

Friday, October 1, 2010

Novelty Id, Niagara Falls

College Student Polimodal N ° 11 "Abel Acosta, Santa Maria, Catamarca

El trabajo conjuga tres proyectos. Comenzó con “Lombricultura”, con el buscábamos ver la posibilidad de mejorar las tierras de las huertas escolares, utilizando el humus del lombricario y con ello lograr una mejor producción que permita deshidratar el excedente. Posteriormente, se avanzó con “Alternativas alimenticias para una mejor educación” en el cual se buscaba cómo hacer para almacenar alimentos deshidratados producidos en la huerta o finca de la escuela, para que los they are used in winter, because by the vagaries of our climate, it is impossible to grow.

then continued with the project "Charqui, an ancient technique flavored with new, which is intended to ensure that the inhabitants of mountain areas, which do not have electricity, meat could collect reliable, safe, environmentally friendly and suitable for bromatologically human consumption.