I won another award!
Yupiiiii! But if I'm up I like (huy if ...) Today I went to the blog of Fatima dance I find that Blogger wins the prize of the day. Yes I'm not very good at writing e made it abandonadote this blog but I have tired chamba of veritas. What if I'm so glad someone is entertained that if my post.
Well see this award has its bases and it is this (copy / paste of the very blog of Fatima ): - The award must be attributed to blogs considered good and that one used to visit regularly and leave comments.
- When you receive the prize you must write a post indicating who was the person who gave you the award and its corresponding link to that blog.
- A label for the award.
- State 7 blogs to receive the award.
- should be proud to display the label of the award, preferably with a link which speaks of him.
- (Optional) If you want to publicize the creature with too much time to make the prize, or had the idea to invent, or Skinet , the author will thank you.
Ok, understood? Well, although I have been very difficult to get to read blogs I always, but whenever I I propose to read some of them are these:
- obviously the William Ziegler , like many times I've said here, I read your ziegleraventuras entant. - Almost seriously, this is another of my favorites, has some beautiful photos of Montreal and his travels and his writing I love. - Scene Skene, this is a blog of a Mexican girl who now lives in France. very good blog. - The of Kitty Kat , there's this girl and I enjoy their stories, although sometimes I can not read at home because it is half porn and if caught me looking at those pics here I'm going to end hehe - Bellydancing to know that we are right and wrong, always I read it, I love your passion for dance. - And last but not least that of Fatima dance, not to return the award if not for that I love your criticism of dance DVDs, way too good not to spend so much on things that are worthwhile. know many of you know that name and won a prize here is that some never said anything just read and see but as I love them!
Kisses to all!