Tuesday, March 31, 2009

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Gypsy Dance Course, Turkey and the Balkans

Helen Eriksen in Mexico
Gypsy Dances from Turkey and the Balkans
- Hide quoted text -
11 and April 12
define Venue: Studio at Mosharabía
# 78 trade unionists from José Martí y Progreso, Colonia Escandon
1500 pesos
reports Amaranta Lopez Adriana Jacome and Boyer

April 18, 1911 56 55 73 91 86
55 29 66 51 51
can deposit to the account 62 65 44 90 84 HSBC to name Adriana Lopez Boyer

Friday, March 6, 2009

Milena Velba's Body Cast

An example of plagiarism in the blogosphere

Luis Aguirre Fish, landslides, etc.. discusses how the blogosphere the big fish eats the small. He made this comment, with some issues, it is worth repeating here:

An example of what you say is this post of Peruvians who interviews Melcochita. This is a video preceded by this paragraph:
"I met Paul Villanueva" Melcochita "at a gala event for the inauguration of President Barack Obama. In this brief conversation, the Afro-Peruvian artist talks about the meaning of this election among African descendants of Peru and the racism that exists against los negros."

Luego Marco Sifuentes publica este otro post en que reproduce por completo el video de Peruanista.

Efectivamente, lo cita, pero ¿qué más añade? Un pequeño gorrito de dos frases:
"El conocido vlogger Peruanista se encontró con Melcochita en una fiesta de gala por la inauguración del presidente Barack Obama, en Washington. Esta breve conversación sobre la dualidad sonero/cómico de Villanueva, piratería y discriminación en el Perú es una verdadera exclusiva internetera."
Pues la "exclusiva" de Peruanista queda completamente reproducida en el blog del Sr. Sifuentes, con lo que Peruanista ya no tiene la exclusive.

Notice that Mr. Sifuentes even uses the same expressions as Peruanista. It is clear that not only copied and pasted the video, but the cap and then gave him a flipped.

A further detail is that Mr. Sifuentes has repeatedly verbally abused Mr Quiroz. However, in order to copy the material used the term "The vlogger known Peruvians."

Finally, Mr. Quiroz, author of the material is 1 comment on his blog, and Mr. Sifuentes, a plagiarism of material, has 26 comments. The discussion turned to who had the exclusive to those who "bounced" and seized it.

If both liked the post, enough with link that will give the flow to the original post, but had to be self-generated flow.

How long will it be clear to all / as this is theft of another's labor?

far the comment Luis. In these circumstances what are the opportunities to succeed blogs "little" something to contribute? The speech when Mr. Sifuentes worked for Invent was that anyone can make your blog, there was no competition, but complementary, there was a great community, etc. Today his speech is another and says "not so easy" set his blog in the blogosphere. Well, it certainly is not easy, but those who prey on the material other original make things even more difficult.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Is It Illegal To Have A Bulletproof Vest In Ca

The most profound contempt for country people

recently in Congress made him remove the words to Congresswoman Jane
Huancahuari to assert "here in the Congress is Congress who feel the deepest contempt for country people" . Immediately
interrupted and not allowed to continue. The commission chairman said that was not true and asked,
"That's not true, Juanita"
to withdraw his words (see the video in this post , DETP ).

Now we see these pictures not long ago:

Martha Hildebrandt: "I can talk to my intellectual equal," giving back to an indigenous congressman.

Based on this video, the statement "here in the Congress is Congress who feel the deepest contempt for country people," is true or not true? Congresswoman Huancahuari

withdrew his words. The official story is that there is contempt for rural people in the Peruvian Congress.

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- Instability
Today forgets that counter-cyclical policy remains cyclical and has the power to create turbulence in addition to the existing turmoil. Programs "stimulus" beyond control systemic risk and it is a traditional Keynesian policy of dubious effectiveness.

- Temporary Inconsistency
The American government with their ad hoc interventions and its politicization is not helping to ease the crisis. Traders expect the government to act and do the adjustments that would be done. The market punishes those who invest poorly, but if the government saves, no rearrangement. Changing the "systemic risk" by the "moral hazard." Also, if someone is saved, all because they want to salvage. Toca announce a policy, stick to it and let the market do its job.

- European Economists almost bloggers
Open Society is a sort of English blog sponsored by the CEPR (Center for Economic Policy Research). There are also French and Italian, see here. They are popular articles and comments on the economy. (Pass NQ).

- Proposals and research
This blog disseminates some policy proposals based on research of colesgas, for example, this proposal fiscal policy, competition bet, and others.

- Blog of fellow Italians in America
Noise from Amerika, with, for example, this article Michele Boldrin whether we are currently in a "liquidity trap." Is a series of seven myths about the current economic crisis. Must be consulted.

- Clowns came
and Reason in Carnecitas reminisces Beteta Edmundo clown. But of course. So? When appointed to this post Valdivieso wrote a curious picture of the new minister obviously playful. Just normal, right?

- The playful economists
I will take the "pop" of Reason on the recreational aspect of Beteta colleague to announce an upcoming post I'm preparing for the Gran Combo Club entitled "The playful economists." Deals many economists that the economy also have other occupations: Andrés Velasco, Chile's economy minister, a novelist, William Baumol of NYU, is a painter and sculptor, Orley Ashenfelter, a prominent labor economist, specializes in wines, Randy Wright, UPenn, and Jordi Galí, Pompeu Fabra, are rock guitarists, Xavier Sala i Martin is leader of the club. Various activities are not at odds with academic rigor and with professionalism.

- Two DNIs
Here Apuntes Peruanos. It is illegal for someone to have two DNIs. See the full post. Clear it would touch, especially if it is the position of comptroller, which requires be very transparent.

- The lobbismo of Peru 21
Jaime del Castillo Fritz Du Bois criticized for writing an editorial, Road to Rio, praising the project undertaken by Taboada Proinversión, led by his wife, Cayetana Aljovín, here . Taboada The project has been criticized for El Comercio, here and here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

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economic Combita

- Quote is not stealing, but merely as "bouncers" are thieves themselves
In a couple of posts it has become fashionable to say "I'm stealing this paragraph ..."," I'm stealing this entire post. .. ". The reality is that quote is not stealing, if around the meeting is published original content comment, criticism. Something. If the core content of a work belongs to someone else, and it is a full-scale plagiarism. When you say "steal me", no joke: the author acknowledges that it is quoting, but plagiarism. It is stealing other people's work.

- From "rebotósfera" to "plagiósfera"
If it wants to introduce a foreign content, simply post a link, no need to write a post liar, quick and ad hoc. A link leads readers completely alien to the original content, a liar post holds and retains the reader's comments should go to the original post. It also creates links and not the original post but the post brought liar. Is unnecessary intermediation, which leads only to a subset of interested readers outside the original content.

- The tit Mariátegui Mail
director award for Llosa calls, without having seen "The Empty", but condemns Madeinusa, "a slow, pretentious and boring bummer unfairly leaving all Indians as savages, drunks, filthy, superstitious and incestuous. " Award Llosa, but cane Solier,
here. Unusual view, because those who do recognize Llosa because they appreciate his work. Mariátegui arguments rather agree with those put forward by opponents of Llosa. "Aldo Kausachum?

- Pro Beteta
Juan Carlos Valdivia, here and Daniel Salas here

- Two DNIs?
The curious and would have to be clarified is how well someone can have two DNIs, one active and one inactive. It is not something trivial that you can stop responding. Leo

What Is Tha Meaning Sore

Peruvians in this post :
Those who have ever visited the Jewish Holocaust Museum here in Washington, DC, we have witnessed the result as manipulative and depressing that this kind of museum produced. Jews as helpless victims are displayed at the end of presenting theater, facts and places that few can see. It lends itself to manipulation. Leaving the Holocaust Museum, you feel anger, sorrow, regret. Especially because the Jews of Israel are doing the same and worse today against Palestinians in the land they stole.
Some details:
  1. The museum in question is called "Holocaust Museum" here, not the "Holocaust." There have been many genocides in the world, but only one has come to call "the holocaust."

  2. This museum is not handled, but explains a historical fact that in the case of genocide may understandably depressed.

  3. say that "Jews are shown as victims" as an example of manipulation is amazing. What if the dead were victims of Auschwitz? A person who was imprisoned in a concentration camp to be exterminated, what other name can have, but the victim?

  4. "facts and places that few can check" is another amazing. What else is there to "check" on the Holocaust?

  5. is not the first time someone is wrong to assert that "the Jews of Israel" committed a "holocaust" with the Palestinians. Error so common.
The most exciting of all is that it offers this kind of reason for the lack of a "museum of memory" in the country: "Make a museum in Lima would be a brutal conflict and a bad joke." In Ayacucho, a museum (about which I posted already), but it is important that in Lima, where political decisions that affect the entire country, so you and know exactly what happened throughout the country.

We have a museum "depressing" as the Inquisition, unique in the world. It exhibits torture, autos, confessions, clothing (many Peruvians against the Jews.) They are very vivid scenes of what happened. Facing our past, the older or newer, but we will not learn.

No historical figure is still controversial. One speaks with the Mexicans, especially the north, and the figure of Doroteo Arango, alias Pancho Villa, is controversial. While it is a hero of the Mexican Revolution in the north killed many people. In Peru we will be playing to take disputes and adopt a constructive attitude. To deny them is the worst thing you can do.

Anyway. In the end the author displays many qualifiers against Garcia, but on the specific issue of the German donation seems to agree on the rejection. Curious.

PS I also had the opportunity to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. Impressive, but really most impressive are those "concentration camps" turned into museums in Germany (And Poland). The German authorities themselves have tried to explain the shameful past to new generations (because the topic is not only "Jews", as stated without knowing). I visited the "concentration camp" museum-memorial of Dachau, near Munich, and a couple of museums as were prisons in Berlin (then West). Part of what Germany considers it important not to forget.

PS2. The author of the post mentioned relates to the Holocaust Museum "museum of memory", however, does not hurt to make the reservation that these are two very different historical cases. The first refers to a deliberate policy of extermination and the second to a counter-insurgency war. While there is overlap, as the ovens (in our case nicknamed "the brick" as related by Ricardo Uceda), he should be clear that in general are very different cases.

Bonn. Commemorative plaque

"In this place was a synagogue. It was built in 1878 and was destroyed by the Nazis violent acts against our fellow Jews on 9 November 1938."

Germany had and still has to face its own history.

How much will it take to Peru to do the same with yours?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Can My Partner Contract Hpv From Fingering Me

Museums Two memorials presidential rides necro-salsa-prison

published in September 2007 Gran Combo Club in this post they commented on how not only to Alberto Fujimori, but also Alan Garcia liked posing with the bodies, interestingly MRTA:
Fujimori was not the only one taking pictures with bodies and disseminated. His predecessor Alan Garcia had a very similar style.
Then on Fujimori fell almost all convictions for violations of human rights and was not very popular point to Alan Garcia, equally or more serious than Fujimori.

Today is repeated around photographic counterpoint, of course without mentioning, which is not new (the photos are of Masks and Justice Viva). He perspective does not give a balanced view of what were the violations of human rights throughout the various governments, but by the circumstances of the rejection Alan at memorial museum.

was not popular to mention the human rights violations by Garcia during elections or during investigations of the TRC. It is one of the biases of the TRC, the "preferential option" for the sentence García Fujimori over or Belaunde.

Let's see how the TRC is two walks among the corpses of two presidents.

The TRC on Fujimori, here General conclusions:
condemns, however, extrajudicial that would have occurred, unjustified because it rendered people and shares the rejection of the public to images of Alberto Fujimori walking among the corpses in the newly rescued residence.
In the same chapter of the Final Report does not mention the walk among the corpses of Alan García. About Mills is said
A series of events such as the emergence of so-called "Commando Rodrigo Franco", the confrontation between an army patrol and a column of MRTA in the area of \u200b\u200bLos Molinos , the attack of PCP- SL Uchiza the police post, the vacancy in municipal office in 1989 and the escape of members of MRTA the Castro Castro prison in 1990, among others, enhanced the image of lawlessness and chaos in the country.
be expected as was mentioned by President Fujimori walk among the corpses MRTAs also mentioned President Garcia's walk among the corpses also MRTA rebels. There is no such mention. Moreover, in two chapters of the TRC engaged Molinos, this and this ), was not mentioned among the corpses ride by Alan Garcia, broadcast on television. It only says that Alan Garcia went to the area to congratulate the police. Why the failure in one case and in another the words?

is not unique. The TRC says of Fujimori, the paper said:
The TRC has reasonable grounds to affirm that President Alberto Fujimori, his advisor Vladimiro Montesinos and senior officials of the INS criminally responsible for killings, disappearances and massacres perpetrated by the death squad called "Colina" .
The TRC on Belaunde and Garcia, however:
both the government of President Fernando Belaunde as President Alan Garcia missed by not implementing a comprehensive strategy-social, political, economic, military, psychological, intelligence and mobilization the whole population to deal effectively and within their own democratic framework armed subversion and terrorism.
elsewhere in this chapter, the TRC is "political responsibility of the PAP government" in the cases of El Fronton and Cayara, but says nothing about the responsibility of Garcia in the death squad that killed, among others, Saul Cantoral.

equally or more damaging than the forgetting is a bad memory, memory biased, politicized, arbitrary, hiding some facts, but shows some other as if they were the whole. Thanks in part to such a biased report is that today is a former president, while another president is about to be condemned. Both necro-necro-wanderers and photogenic, only the second sentence falls.

Mickymouse Wall Papper


- Does anyone remember Diana Arévalo?
In October 2007, incisively Agency accused Peru of former President Alejandro Toledo of sexual assault here. The case was bounced on various blogs. What was that?

- "Do not be a coward"
"Do not be cowardly Mr. Toledo, who faces his research" , Peru 21. Well. Mr. Fujimori resigned as president by fax and took refuge in Japan. He did not come voluntarily to Peru to "face their investigations." He was extradited from Chile. Ms. Keiko Fujimori for the presidency of Mr. Fujimori succeeded his mother Mrs. defunct and battered in the post of "first lady", alongside social and governance responsibilities with your father, who could make his first presidential campaign thanks to Susana Higuchi fortune (the second season was with taxpayer resources Peruvians). Hmmm ...

- convoluted justification for rejection of the German donation
Here Mirko Lauer offers a sophisticated justification for the rejection of Garcia to the "museum of memory":
One is the memory itself, in the sense of whether from a civic perspective should keep alive the memory and awareness of past atrocities. This applies to the dead 80-90 years but also, for example, from 1932 onwards.

(...) How much of the performance of Alberto Fujimori has been associated with domestic abuse Peruvians of Japanese origin in the 30's, for which there has been no report or apology? How much of the dislike of Garcia unconscious from nearly a century of anti-Aprista alliances with partners across the ideological spectrum? (...)

What should be removed from the equation are the two million that Berlin require government approval, but well-meaning gesture can hardly be decisive in this matter. Or the TRC to the best of my knowledge a private museum, like so many, or the government makes an "extended" with taxpayer funds, who are citizens of all victims.
A private museum. Please. The TRC was an official institution of the Peruvian state in the attitude of reflection and public recognition of wrongdoing. Today this same state change of attitude, which leaves part of international cooperation in "offside." It was not the Peruvian government, but the current government of Peru.

- An impossible
How can happen to someone that Garcia, who ruled the country at the time of the insurgency-counterinsurgency war, is going to condemn the acts that he directed? Accomarca, Cayara, El Fronton, their death squads.

- Barajas
Better change the subject and talk about the martyrs of Chan Chan, Luis Negreiros Vega, Buffalo Barreto (who already have their sights), and then including spouses Miró Quesada, Sánchez Cerro and Graña (which also been honored publicly). Sectarianism has no limits. Garcia did not give anyone moral reparations, and the money is give it away.

- Salsa Two Salsitas
prison, one Colombian and one neighborhood.

The prisoner, Fruko and hilltops

very judicious with a tough topic.

Patron of Prisoners, The Latin Brothers

How valuable is freedom.


- The rebotósfera
These first two sangrecita .

Monday, March 2, 2009

How To Beat Nabooti Island On Poptropica

Combita stormy

- Double storm
Today there is a storm in New York and on Wall Street. The Dow falls below 7000. Bad news.

- scaring Beteta While
defends Garcia, Hildebrandt attacks it, because it would be Chilean, and Wiener here too, because it would be a technocrat ("technocrats, people from banks and corporations, foreign studies and endorsements of his own ministers"), here.

- Peruvian Diaspora out
If a Peruvian goes out and wants to return to work in their own country would be prevented from doing so. And if along the way acquired another nationality, worse, makes his distrust of his countrymen. There is the paradoxical situation that it can work in the country of adoption and residence, but not in their country of origin.

- Procedure
The problem with the choice of controller has been that the process has been very irregular, ad hoc committees, cronyism and scandal. It is the most reprehensible of all. However, Edmundo Beteta knowing as I do, I believe that the opposition also has to understand that this is a consensual figure, fair and Peru. They should not make war as they are doing it.

- Peruanidad
A couple of years, LAMES conference held in Chile. A group of Peruvian economists attending the event, residents in several countries including Peru, had the occasion to celebrate the July 28 in Santiago, in Pardo's Chicken. Among them were the deputy minister of economy, Lalo Morón and, of course, Edmundo Beteta.

goals in Santiago a few years ago the Peruvian football was scoring in Santiago for his Chilean counterpart. In that game the stadium was full of enthusiastic fans who insulted and blunder Chilean players to Peruvians and a small bar of Peruvian residents in Chile. Among this group of Peruvians was our compatriot Edmund Beteta. It is ironic and unfair that Peru is the Peruvian question his professional career in Chile. Not one, but many compatriots who have resided in Chile for a long time also adopted Chilean citizenship without its peruanidad is indented at all.

- Magician disappeared
Aldo Duro Mariátegui with Valdivieso, here, but not without reason. The post of minister of economy can not be so blithely a crossing, where they surrendered and received as a reward up to be the U.S. ambassador, a position perhaps more responsible than the finance minister.

- Recipe Mariátegui criticizes IMF
Valdivieso forward "the absurd recipe red caviar from the Catholic," referring to his policy of "cool the economy." This "recipe" rather than be "red caviar" is the usual International Monetary Fund. In addition, all general world after the war. At some editorial director of Mail also considered the idea of \u200b\u200ban overheated economy and proposed civilian controls the prices of tomatoes, the Kirchner. In an uncertain environment is not a good idea to throw the first stone at others.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Si Writting Of Malaria


- Memory
"In Museums?," Memory?, Why? Poet Rocío Silva noted the importance of a "museum of memory" and what motivates you in the Austrian case:
the question of whether Austria had been invaded or adhered to rejoice not ever been discussed publicly at these levels. In those days a play had started the controversy: Heldenplatz, Thomas Bernhard. The work not only recognized the Austrian dabbling with Hitler, but warned to his fellow accusing them of agreeing with the "final solution" . A socialist, patriotic and other citizens sensitive to the Holocaust, did not do anything funny.
is interesting to take this example a literal value. In Peru is responsible for what happened only the direct perpetrators and their leaders, but what about the citizens that agreed? Sad to think that anyone in their right mind could agree with atrocities like the bombing of Tarata or killing Putis. Apparently, it was, and should be of a deep reflection. It is easy to download responsibilities exclusively on direct contenders.

- Channel 2 in April 1990 Announcement of a special
on Maria Elena Moyano

The dying Fujimori used his picture.

A - Press Here
Museum which referred in this post . The final version comes with signature here via this post . I do not know if this is the statement of "Peruvian intellectuals, among them Mario Vargas Llosa, Fernando de Szyszlo and Alonso Cueto" which referred to the Commerce and various agencies There was international or other communications. In a statement linked, final version, which is highlighted because it comes first Vargas Llosa, Fernando de Szyszlo not listed, and specifically highlights Alonso Cueto. Clearly stand out are those who come first, before the alphabetical list: Mario Vargas Llosa

Gustavo Gutiérrez Julio Cotler
Pilar Salomón Lerner Febres Coll
Surely there is another statement that is circulating out there to which he referred El Comercio. A2

- justifies rejection
What has Peru 21:
García justified the rejection of the German donation to the Museum of Memory .
is its position as the president is the official position of the Peruvian government. However, this explanation from Peruvian citizens must have come before and not wait for the issue trascenciendo by foreign sources. He has not done well. Moreover, this explanation undermines the premier Yehude Simon who recently denied that Peru had rejected the donation:
"Peru has rejected the money, if the German Government considers it, we can receive. We appreciate (the donation), but We believe that this money should go to the victims of violence, that's the answer there, "he said. Here

- A2 sends Museíto
There was a time when it was thought that only brought physical capital growth. Underestimated the human capital. Today, by contrast, gives primary importance to it. Something similar happens with disyuntiba in the use of two million dollars that come as a donation. Everything has to go to "development projects", to "repair material" and, if possible, collectively. A reflection on what happened (two million dollars is a tiny part of Peru's social spending and what makes international cooperation) is alleged to be harmful to the country and would be something that would not bring development. Whether an amount small, it is a waste of resources. Big mistake. About 25 thousand deaths would be documented in oblivion, because no donation is being rejected because the Peruvian government will fund alternative, but because they simply will not do anything to remember the violence experienced. Can not claim that it does not lack of resources. The recognition of a comfort and consolation to damage any human being, he returned in part self-esteem, frustration appeased him, he does better cooperate with their neighbors, it returns the faith in their community. The memory you have, individually or personally, but another thing to be recognized by the national body through a museum.

- Mulder and Cabanillas accusing Alberto Fujimori for crimes against humanity.
Here Caretas. A few years ago, of course.

- From "social face" to the "alliance aproizquierdista"
What has the former finance minister APRA, César Vásquez Bazán, here, how Otero García and launch their campaigns alliances (with Rómulo León else, too offered the vice presidency to Humala, here ). Today we launch a campaign for the microscopic left, when they actually have an undeniable alliance with Fujimori's very visible political, media and economic development.

- Luck, Edmundo.
Trade Alan Garcia has proposed that the economist Edmundo Beteta for the office of comptroller of the Republic . Coach in the country tends to duck paying for what they do politicians. Hopefully this goes well stopped, Edmundo.

- Narcocorrido
Perhaps the most famous of the Tigres del Norte:

And more here:

The subject is very explicit Mexico. Are
in Peru narcocumbias "," narcohuaynos "," narcorocks "or" narcosalsas? No, that I know. Why? Exhibition "(or daily) introverted Mexican or Peruvian?

- Normal
Sicario's fashion in Mexico

Mexico City

Every occasion has its clothing.

Actually it is apparently a chain of Argentina, see here, of "assassin" in name only.

ironic is not without coincidence.